Me: Blog?....(laughs) Yeah, I did.
Mom: What happened to writing once a week?
Me: (feeble excuse) Oh, man, I even missed my blogiversary! Now I'm going to have to get it a special gift. (hence the dozens of roses)
Okay, so I haven't forgotten the blog, but damn it has been neglected. I don't even have an excuse (as usual). Even if I did have one, is there one that is sufficient to have not blogged in four weeks after promising a weekly post? I don't think so!
Arm fell off, computer broken, true detective; all fixable and complete non excuses. I wish that I could tell you that I was working hard on another project, making tons of cash, saving the world, finishing my PhD or something important, but alas. Not so much. Actually, I have been working on another project, but not one that will help me become a more skilled writer.
After Santa brought me a kiln, yes actual kiln, for christmas I have been hard at work drving myself insane by making millions of tiny clay tiles. Maybe not millions, but if you want to cover a table with 1x1 inch squares, it takes quite a few. This project does take up a lot of time, but still. No reason exists for me to not have blogged about India. None. In fact, I think I should be in blogger jail (aka handcuffed to the laptop) until that's finished.
And to you, blog. Happy belated Blogiversary. This one marks nine years (or as my mother cheekily said seven years and two years of sporatic posts). The traditional ninth year gift is pottery, so for the first time I am actually fulfilling it (see pottery tiles below, ftw!).
Annoyingly, nine years of blogging does not qualify me for anything but does give me some mad street cred. I still enjoy it. It is still my outlet. And I still hope to be writing here on our golden anniversary.
Here's a picture of some tiles to help back up my excuse, and as a true gift the the blog. Happy Blogiversary!