Oh, Blog

Before you lament  "Oh, resqellie, if only you'd get yourself together and blog again like in the old days!" don't fret.  The blog has suffered due to my apathy, work schedule, and most importantly, because of writing.  Yes, writing has gotten in the way of my writing.  I've been passively working on a non-blog writing project for some time and recently have decided to dedicate myself more to it than blogging.  It's odd that I haven't shared any snippets of it with you blog readers. 
It is a work of fiction and somehow I am far more self conscious of it than writing about myself alone.  So, I will probably continue to not share these writings with you, but at least you know the truth.  This other project does take up some time.  The other night, I had a great brainwave and set to putting it on paper.  About three hours later I had written two pages.  Two pages!  I was as shocked as you are.  But, such is the nature of writing.  It can be fun.  It can be tedious.  And I am thinking of increasing my font size.
As for the blog.  A year ago I wanted to make it into a weekly column.  But, like working out and being constantly polite, this idea lasted only a handful of weeks before I succomed to the easier option: doing nothing. 

I miss you, blog.  I miss having great ideas for you.  Something I will keep in mind is that in 10 years I will miss having something to read about in this time in my life. 
As I've said before; time will be made for the important things.  I just need to remember that the blog is one of those things.  Maybe in a few years when you've read the amazing work of fiction, you'll say "Hey, this was worth the wait and the neglect of the blog. Now, get back to blogging!"

Duly noted, readers.  Thanks for reading.  And happy anniversay, blog.  Here's to eight more.


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