
There are a few things that stereotypically define adulthood. One of those, other than drinking soda whenever you want is owning a home. Here you become responsible for 30 years of debt as well as maintaining what is really a big space with tons of working parts that no single person could understand. From roof to basement, front yard to back, a house is needy. Mine is 93, so sometimes it needs a little extra love as well as help across the street.

Back in September, I had my first house guests of the year. Two separate parties coming within a week of each other. On the eve of the firsts arrival, I decided to double check on the guest room (which I hadn't seen in some time, keeping the door shut for temperature efficiency). I opened the door and found the most hellacious mess where part of the plaster ceiling had fallen in. In a most sitcomesque fashion, I shut the door immediately and sent up a little prayer. But, when I reopened the door, the mess was still there. Literally in my pajamas with my toothbrush in my mouth, I stood, staring at the mess without a clue as to what to do.
I collected myself, finished my teeth and got my kitchen trash can. It was then I learned that plaster is quite heavy. As I thew large pieces in the can, it became clear this clean up required a bit more planning. I have yet to mention the plastery dust that was covering the entire room, and that my niece and nephews had left quite a town of playmobil out, waiting for them to return. Needless to say, playmbil FEMA were called and took care of the situation.

The incident had been more or less taken care of. More in that the plaster was cleaned up, less in that there is still a hole in the ceiling.

I haven't fixed that, but I did put a fan in my bathroom. I felt really accomplished, like I had done something wonderful for the house. Or, at least done some essential preventative maintenance.

Then, this hurricane came through. I came home from a very long night shift to find that half of my front window had blown out. Now, this is a big window, probably a 4x3 foot hole was now in my house and it was still raining, and cold, and my power was out, and I was really tired. I managed to get a tarp over the window, and later put cardboard on the inside. I went to start a fire in the wood stove, only to find that the tarp had blown off my wood and it was all soaking wet. I eventually got one started and warmed up the place a bit. Miraculously, despite the lack of window and hurricane winds, my front room was dry and leaf free. Maybe it was protected by the blinds, I don't know, but thank goodness. Then I had an amazing nap and spent the day at a friends house.

This incident has been more or less taken care of too. More in that it will be fixed, less in that it won't be fixed for two days.

I guess the lesson is don't forget to budget for 'shit happens.'


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