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The expo was great. Outside of getting tons of free pens, I also got some cool keyrings, lots of information, got to play with a lifepak 15 (awesome) and saw more emergency vehicles than I will in a year. From motorcycle ambulances, to helicopters, to police jet skis, it was all there. Even a rescue kayak!
It goes without saying that it was super squirrely, and I'm very glad I went.
Oh yeah, one vendor gave me mulled wine and I met a lady who is a fan of LLBean, and had even made the pilgrimage to the flagship store.
Oh yeah, and the weirdest vendor there prize goes to: "Amputees in Action." This company hires out amputees to be in movies and shows (usually war movies). And at this venue they were offering "take the stress out of casualty simulation." They also have the hilarious lines "It will only cost you an arm or a leg to be one of us!" and "We lose it, you use it." also they gave me a stress squeezie thing in the shape of a foot. Score.