27th October
Again, our security arrived, and again so did the fire engine. Sweet. The fire alarms now have become more of a social gathering, so soon as we were let back in, I grabbed my glasses and camera we all hung out for awhile with some beers. It was all too easy to forget that it was a Tuesday night; we were having a good 'fire alarm after party'.
I left there with two of my friends around one. My hand was on my door handle when we noticed that an unusual number of people were out and about in the next hall over. We went to investigate and found a resident laying on the floor half in the hallway, basically writhing around in pain. Apparently she'd been sick all day and had stumbled into the hall and started shouting, effectively scaring the crap out of her neighbors. One girl said "I think she's dying!" and my friends turned to me as I happily went to check her out. Long story short I don't know what was wrong with her, but she wasn't enjoying herself at all. They called the "triple 9s" and we waited for the ambo. I collected her necessary things, and it turned out that we got a paramedic car instead of an ambulance. The medic was hilarious and had great banter.
I didn't want to make a nusance of myself, cause I'd hate to have a nosy paramedic lurking around my scene. He was alone, but it was clear he was used to working by himself and had everything well in hand. He gave her an IV and some morphine which helped her out a bit (treating abdo pain? no way!). We waited for a while, made small talk, he gave me contact info to schedule a ride along, and then we walked her downstairs to his car and off they went. I was back in my room by two, hyped up over not one, but two blue light vehicles at my building in one night! Awesome.