
Apologies for the lack of updates. No time to update, nothing to update, no internet at work, catching up on episodes of 30 of these excuses should do.

I have had some good calls recently. Including the suicide and the ROSC, I have had four tubes in as many weeks which is very exciting for me. The whole time I was at my first job I had one opportunity for a tube and managed to mess it up. That is the only problem with an all ALS system, skills are spread over so many people that often a great number don't get any at all. There is something to be said for suburban EMS.

I had an arrest two weeks ago, and we abided by the rule of 'if we have to think about whether or not we should attempt resuscitation, we probably should do it'. He really was too far gone, but we got him intubated, cannulated, and gave him some drugs. When that didn't work we called med command for permission to stop. This was the first time I successfully used a Miller type blade. It worked great, but I still reach for the Mac first.

Last week I had a guy who collapsed suddenly after dinner. The ambulance was there within minutes, and he got good CPR from them. He was in a pulseless electrical rhythm. Again, intubated, cannulated, and got some drugs. Unfortunately, we were not able to resuscitate him, even after continuing efforts in the ER for another half an hour.

Last night I had a CHF patient who made me a little nervous. She was full up with fluids and even with loads of nitrates and lasix (it's all we have) on board, and CPAP, she didn't seem to be improving. She did alright though and a few hours later she was off the CPAP. Horray for CPAP stopping us from tubing everyone!


Unknown said…
I absolutely love CPAP. It is so effective and - you are absolutely right - it saves patients from being tubed, at least most of the time.

Don't have it in MA yet, though - I'm waiting patiently for that to happen. Maybe by the time I'm able to go back to work it will be there. We'll see.

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