Edinburgh on the bike
Within twenty minutes of my arrival I had spotted Edinburgh castle, watched a Scottish ambulance service RRU fly by with glee, and had been completely won over by the town.
Within two hours I was checked into the hostel, had my trusty and certainly rusty bike, had successfully navigated my first roundabout, and took a picture of an ambulance.
Now, a few hours later I am pretty much ready to pass out. I have wondered way to many times if I was going the right way down a street, and been scared pretty much every time I see a car coming in the opposite direction. Some intersections, pictured below, are absolutely impossible to understand.
I am now sitting in an internet cafe, sipping a cappuccino and taking a break from the bike and being lost. When I am finished I hope to find a proper dinner, even though it is only 3:30, visit a grocery store, of course, and peruse the Museum of Scotland. Or, just go to bed.
you gotta get yurself over to glasgie and get some bru down yer neck
oh and for really a really confusing roundabout - http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=swindon+magic+roundabout&jsv=118&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=8.167197,19.160156&ie=UTF8&latlng=51562869,-1771073,16087532837916546181&ei=QERqSO_YHYWy2gKDp_jtAg&cd=1
yes that really is 5 small round abouts round a big one.
sod that