Old Pictures

I'm a little behind in posting pictures, to say the least. Considering that the last time I added, it was February, and that most of the new NH pictures are wintry scenes. But, there are pictures of me be being totally BA and bustin' a cap w/my 9. Fo sho! I love that you can see the shell casing flying in this pic, sweet!

Also, I added some pics of kayak spots. Mostly pictures of Great Falls, VA. Okay, so calling this a 'kayak spot' is stretching it, but people do kayak it. Just not me. There are pictures of wild ponies on Assateague island taken from the Chincoteague bay. You can call them all Misty.

New Hampshire Winter

Kayak Spots


Anonymous said…
Hey I just wanted to let you know that I am a big fan of your blog. It seems as though you are having a rough time right now and I just wanted to tell you to keep your head up. From what I can tell, you are a beautiful person. --Jamie Anderson, IN
Ellie said…
Wow, Jamie, I hope you check back here. Thank you so much not only for reading, but being so awesome! Just...thanks! I'm really blown away.
I'll try to keep the blog interesting, and I'm so glad you enjoy it.
What do you do out there in IN? Hope to hear more from you-


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