In other news
I received my first application for a real job, yikes! This whole real life thing is beginning to freak me out. So far, this is the only company that interests me. To get the job I have to (finish school, get my registry paramedic) apply, take tests etc. Then, if I get it, I have to find a place to live, get reciprocity, probably get a new car, ride 20 shifts before I get cut loose, and oh yeah, this is over 400 miles from home. Don’t tell anyone, but I’m scared.
I got cleared at work, yay! (not a fake job per se, but...)
Last week, I spent 12 hours of clinical time doing BLS calls, (not that they can’t be useful in some way…wait. what am I saying?)
One was a call for a stroke. “Awesome!” says I, anticipating a good ALS call to salvage the day. 5 seconds after we arrived, it became clear that it was not a stroke, heart attack, dismemberment, asthma attack, or fainting; but actually absolutely nothing.
Medic: What’s going on that makes you think you’re having a stroke?
Pt: My grandmother had one.
Me: Uh….right.*
Later the patient wondered to us: “Could you look through my pills and tell me which ones I can stop taking?” “Sure we can.”*
I don’t think I mentioned yet that I received my Maryland CRT(I) certification, and randomly, my Pennsylvania EMT-B.
Also, I had a lovely thanksgiving.
*not exact quote