“I love magic.”
Ah, the Harry Potter franchise. I love it. The latest installment in cinema form came out yesterday. I really liked this ‘cliff notes’ version of the book. Granted, I could go on for days about what was missing or changed. And, I believe that people who have not read the books will be pretty lost by the end, it’s book readers movie.
I do think that the producers underestimate the attention span of Potter fans. We can follow a scene with more than six lines in it. We can be entertained by scenes without extra dragon time. I love the story for the story; the action is just a bonus.
In general: the world cup is short, the challenges have the best effects yet, Rita is hilarious, the acting is better than ever, the Yule Ball is a consummate representation of teen angst, and “He-who-must-not-be-named” is deliciously creepy.