Quick! Get me a knife and a straw!
Today we officially learned surgical "crikes." Or cricothyrotomy, a fantastic procedure involving cutting a persons neck open, putting a tube in it and breathing for them...awesome! In fact, today I had my finger in someone's trachea! Slightly disturbing, but freakin' cool!
Visiting the cadaver lab was an interesting adventure to say the least. Nothing promotes classmate bonding like being in a creepy basement with big jars of formaldehyde and two dead bodies. Regardless of the creepy factor I got to intubate my first real person, perform needle cricothyrotomy, and start some IOs.
After this, Wes, Ewing, and I went and checked out my station for city clinicals. Lucky medic 13 is housed in probably the ugliest building on earth, but it seems like a pretty good end of town.
Last week I participated in the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation conference. I had a good time and learned some cool stuff, but I could have done without the 5am wake ups. I won't say anymore here, because I don't want to bore you to death. In fact, if you're even reading this sentence, kudos to you for not falling asleep!
I went home last weekend for a little Ambulance-129 fury, to visit the niece and nephews, catch up with the 'rents, and to go to the dentist, fun!
So, until next time....
Visiting the cadaver lab was an interesting adventure to say the least. Nothing promotes classmate bonding like being in a creepy basement with big jars of formaldehyde and two dead bodies. Regardless of the creepy factor I got to intubate my first real person, perform needle cricothyrotomy, and start some IOs.
After this, Wes, Ewing, and I went and checked out my station for city clinicals. Lucky medic 13 is housed in probably the ugliest building on earth, but it seems like a pretty good end of town.
Last week I participated in the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation conference. I had a good time and learned some cool stuff, but I could have done without the 5am wake ups. I won't say anymore here, because I don't want to bore you to death. In fact, if you're even reading this sentence, kudos to you for not falling asleep!
I went home last weekend for a little Ambulance-129 fury, to visit the niece and nephews, catch up with the 'rents, and to go to the dentist, fun!
So, until next time....
Make up names, Change dates, wait a week to make a post.
Already, I'm freaked out that some of the people I know are reading my blog. Especially classmates.
You write well. Keep up the good work.