Stay and Play
There is an trend in EMS that has apparently proven to improve outcomes of cardiac arrest patients. It is the idea that arrests should be worked where they are found. This reduces the interruptions of CPR especially those taken when getting the patient on a backboard, moving them outside, loading them into the ambulance, etc. If the arrest is worked in the house or wherever they're found, it will be worked well, efficiently and with out interruption of CPR. There was a study in Maine where this technique improved patient outcome (or, at least, reuturn of spontaneous circulation). The patient is worked until they are resuscitated, or they are definitly dead. The problem the Maine study found was that paramedics were not used to giving families death notifications. We do have to do them if we are called too late and it is just not practical to resusciate. In these cases, we have to break the news that the family already knows and in my experience...