Maybe it's a British Thing Pt. 9
What's with having to press a button to get out of a building. I’m pretty sure this is just to make foreigners (or just me) look stupid.
Charitably funded air ambulances are simply a brilliant idea. The thought of not having to pay taxes toward them, and that insurance companies would not be billed $10,000 every time I flew someone at work is simply heart-warming. Support your local air ambulance!
I love that everyone here has the same ring tone. It is particularly amusing on the train when the Nokia do-do-do-do starts and everyone looks around while patting their pockets or digging through their purses. Hilarious. Even better is the confident person who immediately says 'it can't be me' and does nothing. It always turns out that it's their phone that is ringing. And it always turns out that that person is me.
Things would be a lot easier for foreigners if they didn't use A4 size paper here. It's off by just enough that I cannot easily frame anything I've acquired here. Not even my diploma.
There is a national obsession with health and safety. And I thought the US were bad. Once I was at the grocery store and put my basket down along the edge of the aisle so that I could more easily go into one of my shopping trances where I obsessively compare prices, sizes, and flavors. An employee came up to me.
“Is that you're basket?”
“Oh, yeah, don't put it all back.” (lonely chuckle)
“That's fine, but do you think you could pick it up?”
“Um, sure, but why?”
“Well, someone could trip over it.”
Trip over it? Someone would really have to go out of their way to do that but whatev.
“Um, okay.” I made for the basket, then slowly backed away when she left.
Oh, and three words: talking caution sign. Really? I am sorry that our litigious society has creeped over the pond.
Why does everything in my city center close at 5? It's like a ghost town by 5:30, just tumble-weeds, litter, and the occasional group of drunk teens. It seems to me that they could make a lot more money by staying open in the evening. Before 5, you wouldn't believe that there is an economic crisis going on. It is bustling here every day of the week, but I guess everyone turns into a pumpkin every evening.
Could we follow the UK example and open more open markets at home? Every city I've visited here has a market. Every day. And they don't just sell fresh fruit and veg, freshly cut meats, fish, and locally farmed eggs. They sell clothes, and textiles, party supplies, and all manner of weird stuff. No one even goes to the weekly farmers market at home and why? Access to fresh and cheap fruit and veg has been great here.
Can the US start calling the ground floor the ground floor too? It just makes more sense.
Oh, and how could I forget: England needs more pop tarts. And while I'm thinking of it, they could do with some Toaster Strudles too. Thanks.
What's with having to press a button to get out of a building. I’m pretty sure this is just to make foreigners (or just me) look stupid.
Charitably funded air ambulances are simply a brilliant idea. The thought of not having to pay taxes toward them, and that insurance companies would not be billed $10,000 every time I flew someone at work is simply heart-warming. Support your local air ambulance!
I love that everyone here has the same ring tone. It is particularly amusing on the train when the Nokia do-do-do-do starts and everyone looks around while patting their pockets or digging through their purses. Hilarious. Even better is the confident person who immediately says 'it can't be me' and does nothing. It always turns out that it's their phone that is ringing. And it always turns out that that person is me.
Things would be a lot easier for foreigners if they didn't use A4 size paper here. It's off by just enough that I cannot easily frame anything I've acquired here. Not even my diploma.
There is a national obsession with health and safety. And I thought the US were bad. Once I was at the grocery store and put my basket down along the edge of the aisle so that I could more easily go into one of my shopping trances where I obsessively compare prices, sizes, and flavors. An employee came up to me.
“Is that you're basket?”
“Oh, yeah, don't put it all back.” (lonely chuckle)
“That's fine, but do you think you could pick it up?”
“Um, sure, but why?”
“Well, someone could trip over it.”
Trip over it? Someone would really have to go out of their way to do that but whatev.
“Um, okay.” I made for the basket, then slowly backed away when she left.
Oh, and three words: talking caution sign. Really? I am sorry that our litigious society has creeped over the pond.
Why does everything in my city center close at 5? It's like a ghost town by 5:30, just tumble-weeds, litter, and the occasional group of drunk teens. It seems to me that they could make a lot more money by staying open in the evening. Before 5, you wouldn't believe that there is an economic crisis going on. It is bustling here every day of the week, but I guess everyone turns into a pumpkin every evening.
Could we follow the UK example and open more open markets at home? Every city I've visited here has a market. Every day. And they don't just sell fresh fruit and veg, freshly cut meats, fish, and locally farmed eggs. They sell clothes, and textiles, party supplies, and all manner of weird stuff. No one even goes to the weekly farmers market at home and why? Access to fresh and cheap fruit and veg has been great here.
Can the US start calling the ground floor the ground floor too? It just makes more sense.
Oh, and how could I forget: England needs more pop tarts. And while I'm thinking of it, they could do with some Toaster Strudles too. Thanks.