Chipotle Dried my Tears

Seeing my parents off while I stayed in the station was one of the hardest things I've done here. We had settled so well back into our usual travel mode, that it was very surreal to not be going home with them. Now again immune to the embarrassment of crying in public, I stood in the tube station for a few minutes before donning sunglasses, popping in the elitist headphones and heading back into the city. It was pretty much decided that ice cream was in order when I remembered that C and I had stumbled across a Chipoltle which I found shocking and incredible and nearly had me licking the windows on the way past. So, I decided that an overpriced burrito was in my immediate future. But where was that? I attempted to retrace my steps for about 45 minutes before seeing it in the distance like a shining beacon of hope. I practically jogged there and excitedly waited in line, ordered my usual carnitas bowl and even got a diet coke. A-Mazing. I was renewed.

Now, I think I'm ready to declare the blogging of most recent travels over! It only took me all week! The only thing left is to find all the annoying typos. I Hope that all 3 of you out there reading enjoyed it. I do worry that the blog hasn't captured my actual life here, and has become too much of a travelogue. Which isn't all bad, I mean Bryson has produced some awesome travel writing but, to me, travel writing is completely boring unless you've already been there. It's difficult to relate a place, its customs, and its scenery to people who have never been there. And what makes good travel writing is when someone who's already been there can say 'yes, exactly!' and their own warm happy memories of that place are brought to the surface. I am, selfishly, much happier to watch a travel show about somewhere I've already been than somewhere I haven't for that very reason.

The blog promises 'this paramedics life' and although there is far less EMS than I'd like, it will be back on soon. In fact, I've recently talked with my old boss who is interested in having me back in the fall. Horray! I hope indeed that there will be slightly more to report in coming weeks than 'today I went to the library and wrote sentences.' Boring! But for now, that's what I'm doing.


Anonymous said…
I totally have enjoyed it, probably in part because of happy memories from having seen a bit of England a long time ago.
Reading about it isn't as good as being there, but since I don't expect to get there in the near future, this is a great substitute; I like your pictures too.
If you care about typos, "it's" means "it is"; spell "its" like you do "his," without the apostrophe.
Ellie said…
Thanks for the kind words and pointing out the typos. They drive me crazy! Thanks for reading!
Mom said…
Employment - sweet!!! If you only had a roof over your head!

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