13th October
Tonight we did the basics of dealing with an unconscious patient and some bleeding control. It was only two hours, and I wasn't too bored. They use DRABC: Danger, Responsivness, Airway, Breathing, Circulation. They like to call it "Dr. ABC" but I prefer Drab C. I'm still partial to scene safety/BSI, AVPU, and ABCs, but this gets the job done for the lay person pretty easily. Plus, a tap on the shoulder is not nearly as much fun as a sternal rub. Oh well.
Oh, and this country, or at least the under 25 crowd don't get the "I've fallen and I can't get up" joke. We watched a little video, I think it was on how to make tea, when of course someone ended up on the floor.
Instructor: "So, what's happened to him?"
Student: "He's fallen over."
Me: "...and he can't get up." giggles to self.
Nobody: got that but me.
You've got my personal email address, get in touch, and I'll see if I can help you bypass that!