A mixed bag

I was called to an unconscious person who actually had too many fentanyl patches on. Before calling 911, his family decided it might be a good idea to drag his relatively lifeless body to the bathroom, throw him in the tub and spray water on him. Result: a wet unconscious guy.

Recently I had a patient with a spontaneous tension pneumo that wasn't far along enough for me to stick a needle in his chest. He got a chest tube instead. He wasn't even short of breath.

We had a patient with a PE (pulmonary embolism) who tried to do the right thing and see her general doctor for her chest pain, but was sent home with orders for an x-ray. When the pain worsened, she became worried and called us.

A COPD patient was tripoding, pursed lip breathing, using accessory muscles and generally having a bad time of it. On the way out of her house I saw a sign that read: "Harassing me about my smoking may be hazardous to your health." I laughed a little to myself becuse actually, no it won't. I did harass her about her smoking, ie; "You really need to stop smoking. Next time you could die." and she couldn't have hurt me if she tried. Come and get me. Case in point.


PDXMedic said…
We went to a unconscious person middle of one night. Lady is coded out, naked, on the bed. We haul her onto the floor, and my partner says, softly, "Oh, damn," and peels 3 fentanyl patches off her chest.

We went 3 rounds and out. Real sad.

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