PA School in the time of COVID

Suffice to say it has been a weird period in PA school. We were pulled from clinical sites in the middle of March and it is possible we won't go back before graduation.  Second year is clinical only so there is little substitute to be had.  We have been doing some workshops and CME and case studies and the like, but it is a pale replacement to actual clinical experience.  Experience that I sorely miss not only because it was something to do, and a great learning experience, but I see the value in being able to practice as a student.  Potentially the next time I take on a patient it will be totally for real and my responsibility which is terrifying.
I am glad to be a second year, as our first year students have had to finish out the semester online and take all of their mid terms and finals online.  UGH.  I am a very bad online learner, so that might have broken me. 
School is doing everything they can to keep us on track and are very focused on getting us to graduation on time.  In fact, we have been allowed to book our PANCE for this fall (relatively on time).  So it has been weird but not the worst.  I reiterate that I am a bad online learner, and in seeing this coming bought a couple of xbox games.  (Mistake?  maybe).  I have a hard time holding myself accountable, but now that I have an official test date, it is all too real and I feel all too panicked about it.  It is still several months away, but it's never been closer!
Hoping all none of you who read this are well and staying home in happiness.  


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