Walking with style

This past week I went on my first proper backpacking trip. We went to the Dolly Sods wilderness in the Monongahela National Forest in West Virginia. This area is called Dolly sods after a German guy named "Dahle" who used the open meadows or "sods" for livestock grazing in the 20's (after it was logged quite a bit). In the 30's the CCC worked to reforest the area and prevent erosion. In the 40's the area was used for army artillery practice. Because of this, there are warnings at the trail heads to be on the look out for remaining unexploded rounds. Slightly disappointingly, we did not happen upon any of those. I am not sure where the attraction is in hiking miles into the wilderness, carrying a heavy load on your back, sleeping in the woods, and then hiking back out, but I like it. I gathered a lot of satisfaction in carrying everything we needed on our backs and "surviving" in the wilderness for a couple of days. It was a fantastic in...