May 12th Update
So, for the LP12. I just took a NRB mask, took the bag off, and popped the ETCO2 thing on it. Bam! Works. The only problem now is oxygen delivery. I will at some point try putting a nasal cannula under it and see if it still reads CO2 correctly.
When your service is too cheap/stubborn to buy you the real thing, improvise!
I would imagine that the monitor will read just fine with a nasal cannula under that mask, the idea being that the device measures CO2, not O2. I know this because at work we have the nasal cannula looking things that measure EtCO2 on a non intubated patient. We've put those under a nebulizer mask and had good results. We're "expected" to be using those on every respiratory patient, however we don't necessarily do that.
Good luck with that stuff.