It's a sad thing when I lose respect for someone. It has happened more times that I would like. In the real world I've learned that you don't need a swastika tattoo to lose my respect. On a related note, I hate bigots and their existence. I'm new at work so I'm not ready to rock the boat, so to speak. I usually stay pretty quiet until I get to know people or a subject comes up that interests me. Even when people point out my quietness, they are usually the most talkative person in the room, and I say, yep, I just don't have anything to say. But I digress. A, um, (co-worker, person, acquaintance) of mine, whom I liked, said the 'N' word in front of me, in a sort of conversational way. I'm not sure which disturbed me more, the fact that she said it, or the fact that she said it so easily, as if she either gave no consideration to me, or believed that I wouldn't mind. I will reiterate here that I'm not one to rock the boat, and note that I hav...