
Showing posts from February, 2019

Blogiversary 14

14 Years.  The traditional gift is ivory, modern is gold.  Either way, whoever made these gift rules must think 14 years is a real accomplishment (or, I suppose that 15 years is impossible and needs some work to achieve.)  Considering my anniversary is with a blog, I'm not sure it needs much work.  Although it could use some attention as of late.  But, it turns out, PA school is hard and time consuming.  And now I prefer to fill free time with something other than blogging.  For example, last weekend, I went to a cat show.  It was absolutely everything I dreamed it would be.  Overly obsessed cat owners, fancy toys, a lot of brushing, and cat agility, which may have been my favorite part.  A cat doesn't care if it's accomplishing something, but it will jump over a log if you wave a feather on the other side of it (and that is the path of least resistance). But I digress.  This blog has existed for 14 years, which is something....

The Long Semester

I just had the shortest "-mester" of my life.  By week 2 we were taking a 'midterm'.  Which was pretty funny.  We covered OB mostly, which I enjoyed and many were horrified by.  We did four credits in as many weeks, and it wasn't that bad. And I'm not saying this because I have already forgotten how bad it was.  It was okay!  In the last week we took ACLS which was a looooong 2 days for me, but will help me keep my paramedic cert up to date. And then spring started!  A week early even. We had one week of instruction a weekend off (technically) and now we are back at it for 15 weeks.  I am slightly concerned as my usual semester burn out time is about 11 weeks in, which will come four weeks early this semester, because really this is a long semester indeed.  But. The spring is different. It is a continuation of several classes from the fall, but also has some new things.  A lab class, where we will finally get to learn some new trick...


At times, you study and you study, and you meet with your group, and you go to the white board and you study some more.  And you goof off, and watch game of thrones, and study a bit more, but is it enough?  No one knows.  The formula isn't perfect. It's different for every student.  And that's all I want. All I want is 'enough'.  Is passing.  To be one up from the butt of the joke "You know what you call the guy who graduated last from med school?"  "Doctor". It's a funny joke because the person last in their class isn't dumb.  They didn't work less hard than anyone else.  In fact, that could be the person who worked the most hard.  Who had an instinct for patient care, but was was bad a chemistry.  The person who put the most hours in and still fell short of the person with an aptitude for pathophysiology.  In PA school, that's the person with 3 kids at home, a decades absence from full time schooling, or a 15 year career a...