
Showing posts from January, 2013

Stay Home

At part time work, I hang out in the ER, see patients as they come in, and help with triage as time allows.  The last time I was there there was a worrying trend. "Hello, how can we help you?" "Yeah, I was at my doctors' yesterday and I was diagnosed with the flu and I just don't feel better so I came in to get seen." "Whoa.  Let me stop you right there.  If you wouldn't mind, could you put on one of those yellow masks there?  Yep.  Just like that.  Thanks." I know the flu sucks.  You are not going to feel well.  You will not be healed overnight. It can take a healthy person a good week to fight off the flu.  The people I saw coming into the ER with the flu were not old or young or immunocompromised.  They were between 25-35 and just didn't suffer well. Please stop coming into the ER and spreading your germs.  No offense meant. Also, don't come to work, go to wal-mart, or Applebees.  Please.  That being said, the flu ...


Already I am behind and it is only the 10th day of the year. I have not come up with any topics for my column writing idea, so I am taking suggestions. Give me a topic and I'll bore you with it.  For free! I am making other progress in re-uping my membership with the red cross and making an honest attempt to be more dedicated to the organization. Work is not a good excuse to miss meetings. That is what I've decided. I mean, I'll alter my schedule for less important things, so why not them? Also, I will just take their classes. I need to get over myself and just do it instead of thinking I am overqualified because I am not. There is always learning to be done and if some of their classes are redundant: so be it. Resolve! I have some at this moment! I have also booked flights for my first very far trip in almost three years.  I'll be visiting dear friends in the Pacific Northwest before they leave their post.  I am super stoked and relish in the preparation....