
Showing posts from July, 2005

Half the battle

So, apparently my wanton rule-breaking was found to be acceptable by national registry. Now, the ‘N/A’ has been replaced with the most fantastic word: ‘passed.’ (and there was much rejoicing) At least that much of the ‘I’ test can be declared a success and officially over. Hopefully I will be retesting (again) the practical sometime in the next 3 weeks. Until then, I’ll be…oh, I just can’t say it! Okay, studying. There. A horrifying word for the month of July, but nonetheless, a necessary one.

1005 hits...and counting!

No, this is not because I hit ‘refresh’ 1000 times in a row. I guess it’s because sometimes people other than my mom look at my blog. How touching. No really, I think I could be crying…oh wait, there’s just a piece of glass in my eye! (kidding, kidding) oh well, maybe for 2005 hits. Instead of crying I’ll throw a party in cyberspace. You’re invited. Just come to my blog and well, that’s basically it. Whoo-hoo! party! Gifts are permitted, I’m registered. I especially want that potato slicer/peeler, cotton candy maker, and double boiler (the uses for these items are endless!) Well, thanks for the hits, but not so hard next time!

Charlie and Harry

My boys of the summer. One is 16 the other like, 10. One quite busy saving the wizarding world, the other quite busy inventing candy with Johnny Depp. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: one of the most insane movies I’ve ever enjoyed. I was telling my brother; not crazy like Fellini, crazy like taking Roald Dahl, Tim Burton, and Johnny Depp, mixing them all together and making a children’s movie out of it. Throw in some identical oompa-loompas, Christopher Lee, tooth paste caps, and dentistry, and you’ve got a classic! Many have called it creepy, and they’re totally right. The Half-Blood Prince: great. Best one since Prisoner of Azkaban, I think. I’ll say no more, I’m not a spoiler! Don’t worry, my t-shirt that says NERD really big is already ordered and in the mail. At least I didn’t dress up like my favorite character and camp out for 19 hours at our local Borders. Now, that’s nerdy. I just calmly walked into my store of choice and picked it up. I didn’t e...

To be published.

I’ve put a few retroactively dated updates. The phones at my house have been out for the last few days so I couldn’t update (stupid dial-up!) until now. Enjoy!

The Saga Continues…

Wow, for an organization I am desperate to be a part of, I am sure making it difficult. For about a month now my classmates’ written results have been available online, and mine has said “N/A.” Now, that doesn’t look good no matter the reason. Well, I figured out what exactly this means. I received a letter the other day stating that I had wrongfully written throughout the test booklet. I broke the rules. They even sent me a copy of them, just in case I forgot…again. So, as a result of my illiteracy, I get to write a letter stating why I was so ignorant and blithely ignored the rules. Until the investigation of this ‘irregularity’ is over, my results will stay in testing purgatory. I mean, seriously! This is ridiculous! I don’t really want to be part of an organization with such idiotic rules. Becoming an ‘I’ used to mean a lot to me. Now it just means beating the registry. I’m moving to England where things are logical (except for the whole driving on the left thing). A p...

London on my mind

A rude awakening today. My parents and I arrived last night and Jon called me this morning. I didn't want to believe him. Pretty freaky considering I was there a week ago. All I can say is that London and it's people are in my thoughts today.

A quick(ish) review?

I don’t want to bore you too much in one sitting. So, I broke it up to give the illusion of shortness. Let’s see…I left off with a tall tower. Our next day in Paris we started at the Orsay, an impressionist museum. We saw some great Monets, Van Goghs and Whistlers Mother. In the afternoon we visited Versailles. I found this place to be…excessive. Although, I can get behind the idea of having yourself painted more beautiful and fit than you really are. We returned to the city and went to Sacré Cœur. This beautiful church was built in the 1800s although you wouldn’t believe it. It looks more like a modern mosque from the outside, and has beautiful ‘modern’ mosaics inside. We strolled through this area for a few hours, got a crêpe (yum!) and people watched, a classis Parisian pastime. The next day we tackled the largest museum in the world, the Louvre. We spent the morning seeking out the ‘big three,’ the Mona Lisa, Vénus de Milo and Winged Victory. All relatively easy to spot...

But, I am Le Tired.

I would like to provide you with a quick(ish) review of the rest of my vacation. I’m assuming, of course, that you care. Either way, here goes. Let’s see…I left off with some old stones. We took our free day in London to go to the National Gallery, fantastic, again. We also stopped at the Natural History Museum. This is a beautiful museum. One of our tour guides said that if she were queen she would live at this museum (keeping most of the stuffed animals) and wear the crown jewels at all times, all of them, even in the bath…especially in the bath. The next day we drove to Canterbury and enjoyed their beautiful cathedral and charming town. We took a ferry over to France, then drove 4 hours to Paris. It was about now that I realized I don’t speak any French and it had been a long time since I’d been in a truly foreign country. Our first day we had a bus tour of Paris. We got our first proper view of the Eiffel Tower which bigger than I imagined, but I’ll get to that later. We ...