Employment Process

As I said in my last post, I am still employed, thank goodness. In the time that I learned about these lay-offs and now, I decided to put double sided tape on my resume and throw it in all directions, just to see if it sticks anywhere. Short story is that it hasn't. But I have only heard back officially from one place. I applied to a job I was mostly qualified for for the local government of my town. I guess they're in a rush because I was asked to interview within a week of applying. I caught the closing date just in time, which was one of those silly things that made me think "It's meant to be!" despite that I don't believe in that. But anyway. I put on my absolute best and absolute only business-type outfit and drove the five minutes to the interview. A job that's five minutes from my door again reiterated "It's meant to be!". Silly me. I was nervous. Really nervous. All of my previous job interviews were laughably easy ...